Sunday, January 31, 2010


We had a dance party tonight in Cotuit. I got some really fun shots of Eve and Elsa, but they turned out to not be so good for editing because of the horrendous lighting conditions. I love Eve's freeness in this picture. Dancing is her release and I think that definitely shows through here. She looks like she's having fun, too. =)
Thanks Eve! ♥
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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cotuit's clean dishes. Kind of a weird concept for a picture, but I really really like it. Alyssa washed them even though they weren't hers and the teacups kind of remind me of the way that Fiona and I always make tea for each other. =) There are so many nice things about Cotuit.
This wasn't my best-framed shot out of the bunch, but I liked the focus better than the one that was framed better. That always happens. Oh well. The trials and tribulations of using a camera which is partially digital. It makes some decisions for me. I like the desaturation, though, because it makes the pink flower really stand out.
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Went to visit Kaity in Boston today with the idea of taking lots of pictures for my blog. I took like four. It was waay too cold out to do any picture-taking because I had all I could do to not freeze my ears off! I took this one while I was waiting for her to let me into her building, though. I LOVE that she lives near the Pru. I think it's my favorite Boston landmark... =)

I love the color of the sky and the moon in this picture. It is sort of the epitome of Boston to me- the semi-dark of the sky and allllll the streetlights and traffic. And this was the biggest full moon of the year! IT WAS HUGE!

Went to get frozen yogurt and it was AAAAAmazing. I will have to be going back sometime soon to get more... Mmm.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

It was rainy the day before today and everyone left their boots by the door. Joanna (the woman who cleans our house) arranged them like this and I thought it was very sweet. I like that our boots are just hanging out together like we like to do . =) I also kind of like the juxtaposition of the rubber boots with the broom and dustpan, as well as the various bright colors!
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Whoa. I'm impressed by Eve.
We did a night of stage makeup. Well. She did the stage makeup (she's in a course on it- how cool is that?!). And I took the pictures. We were channeling Jennifer's Body here. The black near her mouth is blood. Like for real.
Intense, right?
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You know what? I really decided that I liked this one better. So I took down the one I just had up. If you're curious about it, I'll be posting a January album on facebook this weekend, so you can see it then.
I don't know how much I have to say about this shot, though. I liked that both the moon and the light were blue. And the moon was doing its cool hide-behind-the-clouds thing, which is why it's so ... fuzzy?
I think this is a pretty simple picture, but I love the idea of the two different blue lights. One so natural and the other is basically the epitome of man-made. At least in my opinion. Electricity, lightbulbs, and emergencies. And these poles always remind me of rape. Because I think they're mainly there to protect women from rape (although they would be useful in other situations, as well), and I find that to be incredibly unnatural as well.
And I very much like the way the pole tapers off into the night- you can't tell where the pole ends and the night begins. Cool.
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Monday, January 25, 2010

I want better photoediting software. But also, I miss my 35mm. All that aside, I do like this picture. I feel like I start every entry off like this, but I feel the need to defend all my pictures. I don't love most of them, but I like all of them. I guess I just have to remember the speed at which I'm taking these pictures. Posting a decent one every day is actually hard!
Aside from the fact that Lyss's fingertips are red, I like the red color isolation. I have to admit that I had to use all the automatic settings in order for it to let me isolate color (aHAH, maybe thaaat's why I don't like this picture so much- it embarrasses me that it's blurry!), but I really did end up liking the red isolation.
I also really like Judy Garland over Lyss's head. I think I wish that that book wasn't there at her feet, but, eh, what can you do.
And props to Jame for carrying on a conversation with Lyss while I was taking these so that I could get this picture. =)
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Sunday, January 24, 2010

I usually try not to post too many cat pictures, but this one is just so great. I took it this morning before I left Dom's; Mu was jsut hanging out on the ground with his chin on his paw looking super adorable. Once I edited this, I realized that it looks a lot like what Mu's senior picture would look like...

Huh. Well, thanks Mu. Maybe he was making up for not being such a good model last night!
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

MUCAT (or Museph, if that's what you prefer)! Now finally all the kittehs that I have in my life are on here! It was definitely Mu's turn. =)
He didn't sit very still for me. He wasn't as good a model as his sister. ...Hey, that's kind of like my family.... Haha, I'm mostly kidding. I think...

I like him in black and white, though, surprisingly. I'm not normally a fan of kittehs who aren't black and white (like Sasha and Eps) being in B+W, but MuCat did pretty well for himself here! His gazing off into the distance is pretty well done. Good job, catface.
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Friday, January 22, 2010

I really wanted to take a picture of this flower now that it's in the last stages of its life. I kind of like the poetry attached to this dying flower- the end of beauty, etcetc. It's also interesting for me, as someone who sort of identified with this flower (for whatever reason), to remember that things in our life can come and go so quickly.
I know I'm getting really philosophical, but this shot actually means a lot to me. And I think it's important to respect and recognize (for their own beauty and worth), things in all stages of their lives.

Okay, end of rant.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do I really have to say one more time how much I love Cotuit?
I will say, though, how much I like coming home to this sign. Eve made it for us a couple of months ago and it's basically the first thing you see when you walk in the door. I just think it's so sweet (and it has actually helped me to understand this quote fully... which I didn't before!)

Not one of my favorite pictures, but I do enjoy the sign quite a bit. =) Be happy.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I used a prompt for today. It didn't go as well as I'd hoped. I do actually like this picture, but I had a mini photoshoot with some of the girls (most, actually...) from my suite and it made me realize that I need to iron out a lot of things, like low-lighting settings on my camera and how to take pictures of groups.
I'm sure I'll be getting lots of practice with that, though, based on the level of enthusiasm everyone had when modeling came up. And also, Eve is taking a class on theatre makeup, so I foresee some America's Next Top Model-esque shoots in my future. Not too many, of course, but maybe a couple (because, let's be honest, they are fun).
Anyway, I didn't end up liking any of the group shots (mostly) because of lighting problems. It was unfortunate, too, because we had staged a sleepover with six girls sprawled over a bed and the floor. I wish I had gotten my lighting right. I think maybe I would have been able to, but American Idol was looming quickly and I was rushing. I didn't want to lose my models!
Well, about this picture; I like the comparison of prints between Eve's cardigan and her blanket. It's pretty Eve, actually, now that I think about it. A little edgy (with her clashing prints), but still classy (with her pearls), and somehow she makes it work so well! I do envy her style, I must admit. Also, I really like the shading of her face/hair/desk in this picture. This is one of my few color shots, and I'm actually pretty proud of it, despite my lack of enthusiasm for the other pictures from the night.

Ah, well, better luck tomorrow. Maybe I'll try to go for something unposed tomorrow? This was also my first foray into the realm of posed pictures, so, actually, I suppose it went pretty well!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We went for a walk in the woods today. I showed Jame and Lyss one of my favorite trails to run on (and we stopped at my favorite spot on campus, which maybe I'll show you later this year).
It was just that kind of afternoon. Yucky and rainy out, but we all kind of needed to get out and do something, so we dallied in the woods for a half an hour.
This picture seems Winnie-the-Pooh-esque. This was my favorite picture from this series because they're both leaning the same way, which seems to show their camaraderie. And I like their poses and clothes; they kind of speak about each of them- Lyss with her hands in her pockets and her bright colors and Jame in her hat with her hands by her side. =) It was a good walk, even though I spent it mostly behind the lens. Oh well.

And sorry about the delay in posting these- Picasa's giving me a headache, so I had to find a way around that. >=( I'm not happy about that, but whatever. It will hopefully resolve itself.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Today is one of the days in which this photoblog is more blog than photo. This isn't a great artistic photo, but it does capture the essence of Cotuit (that's my suite, for all you nOObs).
Quintessential Cotuit- love, warmth, and girls.

Today was a pretty good day. Did errands for the beginning of the semester for like 4 hours and then watched movies to honor Dr Martin Luther King (well kinda... Hairspray and Freedom Writers... they both feature prominent storylines about racial equality!).
♥ ♥ for Cotuit, and I'm excited for the rest of the semester

Sunday, January 17, 2010

This shot is a tad bit overused, but it's just so great that I had to! I actually had a little mini-photo shoot today with the flowers that Eve brought back to school for us. I thought it was such a sweet gesture and they are a really beautiful color! They're kind of a coral-y pink (the color isn't especially true in this picture) and it's very striking.
I really like this picture because of the varying shades of the same two colors (the green and the pink). I think it's cool and reveals a trick of the light that there are so many different colors within the two same basic colors of the plant and the background.
Also, the picture is pretty crisp and sharp, and I'm a big fan of that. =) Yay flowers!
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Introducing Sasha! I had a kind of cool picture of Sofi, but she's already been on the blog, so I thought I'd share the love between the kittehs.

This isn't a spectacular picture, I suppose, but I didn't really have any from tonight. I do like how the image makes Sasha appear even fuzzier than she is in real life. Which is rather fuzzy. Half of her face is is shadow, though, which is kind of unfortunate because she has really great contrast in her face between the black and the white and the green of her eyes.

Well, in any case, enjoy her modeling. She is a very good model. =)
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Friday, January 15, 2010

I love the layers in this picture. It's the staircase in Kaity's building (she lives in the BU brownstones!), which is faaaabulous architecture just begging to be photographed! I mean, look at this amazing staircase. The spindles have three different variations, none of which look especially simple to produce. I was totally blown away by the staircase, actually.
I also like the tambre of this picture- the brownish tint suits it really well. It makes it look nice and warm and I really like the glow of the wall in the background.
I will be visiting Kaity to take pictures of her dorm a couple more times this semester.... =)
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

I trespassed to get this picture! It was pretty exciting, actually. It wasn't really hardcore trespassing, but you know, illegal is illegal, and I'm pretty legit. =)

This is a pumphouse or something similar to that on a reservoir in Framingham (for all of you who think this looks familiar, it's on Rt 9). I think it's so picturesque! It's kind of romantic and old-school-looking. I've always thought it was really cool and I finally took the chance to investigate a bit. I'll have to investigate more when the "park" is open and it's not illegal. This will do for now, though.
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

...this looked so much more orange in Picasa... hm. Well I don't know really what I love about this picture. I like that it's simple. And I like that it's warm. And I really have quite a fondness for Christmas lights. They're so cheery in the dark winter. =) I think this picture is just comforting, honestly. =) Happy Christmas lights.
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I really wanted a picture that showed Lyss with the ocean, and I only ended up with a few, as it turns out. It was really cold for picture-taking! I do like the way she's looking at the ocean, though. Sort of a mixture of joy and curiosity with lots of familiarity mixed in- like the way someone looks at an old friend. =) I also like the houses in the background and the way the ocean fades into the sky.
I'm not usually a fan of sepia, but it seemed appropriate in this picture. It's warmer than black and white and it gave me a good feeling. The darks are so dark that they're almost black anyway.
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Monday, January 11, 2010

Joyce gave us animal crackers tonight. I think they'll always remind me of second grade- if we didn't have a snack for snack time, there were always animal crackers available.
Don't have much to say about this picture. I think it's cute and playful. There's also on with a llama (donkey? horse? who can tell anyway...) on a macbook which I think it good, but not as nice as this one. I like how the background fades out. Like only the animal cracker is important. (Sorry, I love you Steph! =] )
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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Abby! Isn't she adorable? I babysat tonight for the Bells and I took pictures of Abby and JJ.
I love Abby- she's your typical inquisitive two year old. And I think you can see that in this picture with the wiiide eyes looking off over my shoulder. It's also evident in the movement of her hands (she's trying to open a book). I would've loved to post a picture of Jonathan too, but he was moving too much to catch a good picture of him in the light I had at the time. He was very cool though, playing with his dinosaur bone-finding kit last night.
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Saturday, January 9, 2010


I love this picture.
These are my girls. This makes me smile every time I look at it, which is how I knew it was the one to post. The chemistry in this picture is outstanding as far as I'm concerned, and that was interesting for me to realize. I was worried because, when I was shooting, I realized that I hadn't gotten any in which all three girls were smiling. It turns out, though, that this is way better. The interaction in this picture is so. typical. that it totally stood out to me. And I really like the desaturation and contrast. =)
Had the girls over to make pizza (and a dessert pizza!) and then went out for a drive and watched silly TV at Kaity's. All in all, a much-needed night of fun, laughs, and carelessness.

And I will never stop laughing everytime I look at Steph's face in this picture. Oh Steph, you are so priceless. <3
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Friday, January 8, 2010

This was a really fast shoot. I didn't have my camera with me today really, so I forced one upon my friends tonight.
That being said, this shot isn't posed. Jacqui was looking through one of Kaity's art books and they started discussing a picture that Jacq really liked. I chose this picture for that reason. It shows that knowledge and sharing knowledge is important to my friends. I like to pretend we're intellectual sometimes. =)
But I think another interesting thing about it is how it portrays us in sort of our "natural" habitat: hanging out in someone's room in our pjs. Kaity even has her uglydoll. So it's clear that we're not Ivory Tower scholars, but wisdom is important to us.
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Thursday, January 7, 2010

This is, by far, the best shot of the night. I have one or two others that I liked better when I took them, but the contrast in this is really great, as is Sean's smile. And it cropped really nicely!
B and I went to visit Seanface in good ole Connecticut and I was kind of shocked at what we found there... I like this picture especially because the warm sepia conveys the warmth of the home, both in temperature (YAY!) and in manner. These were some of the most welcoming people I have ever met in my life. I think even the background portrays this- the warm wood and the stockings. Also, I think what is most striking to me about this picture is how comfortable and happy Sean is in this environment, which says a lot about him.
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hung out at the Harvard-Epworth Church today in Cambridge. There was an organ behind me that I just kneeeew I had to get pitures of. I didn't end up with the shot that I had intended to get, but I like this one.
I'm a big fan of "pulling out all the stops," so I thought it would be kind of cute to have some pictures of the stops. I was also pretty intrigued by what they said on them and what instruments they imitated. I'm not really sure what this one is supposed to be!
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I was walking out of the house tonight and I saw that my snowflake had made a pretty cool shadow on the wall. After some fooling with levels, I turned it into a really interesting B+W picture. It's not one of my favorites, but I think it's interesting nonetheless. I wish the wall wasn't yellow so the actual snowflake could be seen more easily, but I also think it's kind of nice that it blends in. The snowflake was easier to see in the color pictures, but the stark contrast between wall and the shadows here makes for an interesting shot, I think.
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